The truth is that the news about the immigration and refugee issue has always caught my attention, whenever I came across it in print, electronic or television content there was always a pause. I can’t tell if it was out of respect and curiosity for the stories of the expatriates or out of embarrassment for their performance. Whatever they owed, they were accompanied by various questions that became the occasion sometimes for internal and sometimes for external dialogues. So, as a reader, I have been confronted with all the nuances of the emotions that the news of this topic evokes. From this point of view, the first stage of the research process that concerns the media monitoring and the collection of our research material seemed not only interesting but I dare say familiar. But “there’s more to this situation than meets the eye” and I will immediately explain to you the reason. Until recently I had the luxury as a reader to choose the sources of my daily information, to read and to indulge in emotion or my own thoughts. Now as a researcher I need to cross to the opposite bank, that of the collector and observer of this content. And here the difficulties begin… as this passage presupposes to clear our eyes from our personal blinders, (the sensitization for the specific content hides many pitfalls), to put aside our informative preferences and to wander in the media field having as a navigator specific and objectively formulated research criteria. Writing these lines I realize how important it is to belong to a team that gives you the opportunity to learn, to realize your personal anchors, to discuss new research ideas, it is this whole process with its small daily joys that it is not described but only experienced… Talking about experiences today, we collect and discuss new stories from different outlets. The countdown to getting to know our research material has just begun.